September Wildcat Pride
September 24, 2018
Rather than focus on just one trait a month for PBIS, the students in our elementary are working on showing Wildcat P.R.I.D.E. (politeness, respect, integrity, discipline, and effort). Each month students from each classroom nominate a classmate that has shown Wildcat P.R.I.D.E. The class votes on a winner. The winners are announced for each class in front of peers. One winner is drawn for the K-2 students and one for 3-6 students. These winners receive a Wildcat P.R.I.D.E. bag filled with goodies. September’s certificate winners from each classroom are as follows: Mrs. Hays: Brooklynn Thibadeau, Mrs. Drumeller: Braylon Gibbs, Mrs. Jones: Leah Gibbs, Ms. Wasylenko: Casen Thursby, Mrs. Meisenheimer: Lidiya Ribble, Mrs. Gibson: Traeger Gibbs, Ms. Vogt: Jody Campbell, Ms. Pembrook: Elizabeth Allen, Mr. Ribble: Emilee Wendling, Mrs. Bishop: Taylor Tisdale, and Mrs. Dorwart: Caleb Albracht. All the certificate winners will get to have lunch with Mrs. Haley. This month’s overall winners were: Casen Thursby and Taylor Tisdale. The sponsor for this month’s PBIS prizes is our BoxTop program with General Mills. The district receives ten cents per BoxTops from participating products.